Submitted by:
Mychal Massie
3 years 8 months ago

JOSH'S NOTE: This is copied from an actual hit piece that was written about me.  I simply had to add it here, because it most certainly shows Mychal Massie's hatred of me and the fact that I really got under his skin, which greatly amuses me.  You can find the full context by following the story from where it started over on Uncommon Sense.  You can also find my direct reaction to Massie's little tirade right here.

Last week someone named Josh Colletta took it upon himself to attempt to bully and shame Robert Socha, a respected member of The Daily Rant (TDR) team, for daring to exercise his God-given right to attend the January 6, 2021, rally for President Trump in Washington, D.C.

Colletta attacked Robert saying: “You committed sedition, as did everyone else who attended the attempted coup on January 6th. This is not in question. The entire purpose of the event was to violate and invalidate part of the Constitution. You were advocating the overthrow of the legitimate government of the United States. … And to deny that there was a riot? To deny that it was insurrection? To deny that your co-conspirators participated in a violent terrorist attack on the United States Capitol Building? … And for the record, I’m more conservative than you are. You don’t get to pin this on “liberals.” TRUE patriots like myself are standing up to you.”

When I posted a comment stating that Anftifa and BLM were domestic terrorist groups and that they had infiltrated the assemblage and incited the violence, Colletta made the profound assertion: “Wrong again, and neither antifa nor BLM are terrorists, but keep fooling yourself. You’re the problem.”  

It was a stunning admission of cluelessness.  If Antifa and BLM are not domestic terrorist groups, then the KKK is a “Kookie Kutting Klub.”

I noted that President Trump had offered 10,000 National Guard Troops in the event BLM and Antifa did start trouble, and the congressional establishment refused his offer.  I included the links to television news reports and national newspapers that had carried the information I shared.

However, as noted above Colletta wasn’t interested in facts or truth.  He along with one of his minions, called “U. Nreel” (who I am sure is an “unreel” person, but I digress), chimed in calling me “a disingenuous hack” and accusing me of quitting the debate because I could not handle Colletta.

I said, what I felt needed to be said and them blocked them, which brings me to my point.

TDR is my website/blog.  It is a place were like-minded people can come for straightforward, unapologetic, conservative commentary delivered from a Christian perspective.  No one, and especially something like Colletta and minion are permitted to come on my page and attempt to bully people, not that Robert needs me to stand up for him.  Robert is more than capable of standing up for himself.  But! Robert doesn’t own this website, I do!

Thus, people like Colletta are guests by permission and I revoked their permission.  Anyone who argues Antifa and BLM are not domestic terrorist groups are unreasonable illiterates worthy only of scorn.

I banned him because I didn’t want him or his kind on my page.  Also, like twitter and facebook, I determined via knowledgable public sources that which he was spewing was false, and I deemed the unwarranted attacks as violation of community standards I establish as I arbitrarily and capriciously determine them to be  needed.  A practice I copied from twitter and facebook. Sarcasm and sardonic humor intended.

TDR was created with you in mind. It is a place where you are able and encouraged to share your your faith, Christian values, and opinions, free from the attempted insults.

I anticipate having the TDR message board and video channel fully operation very shortly.  All subscribers will be able to comment, post, share, and carry on discussions of their choosing.

I will not tolerate those like Colletta and his feral foundling who lie and make false claims.  Their boorishness is not welcome here.

Submitted by:
3 years 9 months ago

You didn't make a page that allows the converse opinion! Many people, even IF they disagree with you here or there, admire your quest for truth around here, and your insistence on giving a voice to the voiceless!!! Your page started a movement that let people know that they didn't have to shut up about what happens in this community, and settle for the much edited garbage reporting we often get from the local "news" paper. 

JOSH'S NOTE: To borrow a joke from Dave Letterman, "I don't like to toot my own horn... though I would if I could."  The sentiment is much appreciated, though!

Submitted by:
Anonymous Hater
3 years 9 months ago

It was, by far, your biggest mistake on Hot Debates to make Swan your admin. 

JOSH'S NOTE: Penny Swan was only an admin for a brief time a couple of years ago.  She voluntarily gave up that position when she decided it was too much for her.  I've reviewed what happened on her watch, and I didn't find much fault with it.  She has, in the time since, diverged from the bounds of good reason, and nothing that has happened on Hillsdale's Hot Debates has had anything to do with her having been an admin for a very long time.

Submitted by:
Boba Lovegood
3 years 10 months ago

Josh picked my least favorite song for high school prom entrance song and the girflird I liked wouldn't dance onto me...

Submitted by:
Anonymous Hater
4 years 3 months ago

Just run for office bro it's easy just call everyone pedophiles and crooks and vote no on everything that isn't a repel of something else 

JOSH'S NOTE: Even if I were inclined to run, that would hardly be my platform.  But as I've said many times before, elected office isn't my calling.

Submitted by:
Bill O'really?
4 years 3 months ago

Can't believe you've turned into a self righteous liberal nut case. But I guess being unable to get a real job, and living in subsidized Section 8 housing will do that to you!

JOSH'S NOTE: I'm a conservative, I have a real job, and while my housing isn't subsidized anymore, I'm not ashamed that I was once in financial need.  Always nice to see that "conservative compassion" coming from Republicans, though.

Submitted by:
Anonymous Hater
4 years 3 months ago

He won't post this but he's the biggest arrogant sob in Hillsdale thinks he knows it all and always has to be right

Submitted by:
James Galloway
4 years 3 months ago

This is fake news, so you'll believe it in a heartbeat.  Josh once pooped the most stinky poop I could smell it over a mile away.  I knew it was his poop because it carried the scent of a thousand devoured wordsmiths and no one eats wordsmiths like Josh.  I was mad because I was cooking dinner and lost my appetite.

Submitted by:
Anonymous Hater
4 years 3 months ago

He calls everyone son and tells them to sit down 

Submitted by:
Test Hater
4 years 3 months ago

Oh how I loathe him.

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